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What is most suitable version for this requirement? Hi, Sam. In order to give you a good recommendation, I would need more information than we can cover in comments. Wondering what the cost might be to upgrade? Are there upgrade versions that we can purchase which are cheaper? Just wanted to determine our cost and figure out if we have upgrade options. If we do not have upgrade options do business typically just sell their original version of SQL Server Workgroup edition via ebay, Kijiji, or other classifed type sites?
Your best bet on licensing questions is going to be to contact your Microsoft sales rep. Depends on where you buy it from. I think they only sell from here on out.
You may still be able to get from resellers though. Is this correct? If so what is the upgrade costs to upgrade from R2 2 Processors to Standard 8 cores? Crazy prices for what value? Your email address will not be published. I've read in my licensing terms that a license cannot move to another region or physical machine for at least 90 days. When you enable Affinity between an instance and a Dedicated Host, that particular instance will only run on a specific Dedicated Host.
Using Dedicated Host targeting, you can launch instances onto a specific Dedicated Host, giving you full control over how your licenses are used. For more information on these features, visit the Dedicated Hosts detail page. Windows Server licenses must be purchased from AWS in this scenario.
This service allows you to leverage your existing investments in the virtual machines that you have built to meet your IT security, configuration management, and compliance requirements by bringing those virtual machines into Amazon EC2 as ready-to-use instances. EC2 Dedicated instances and EC2 Dedicated Hosts provide instance capacity on physical servers that are fully dedicated for your use.
Dedicated infrastructure provides servers that are physically isolated for use by a single customer. If you bring existing licenses to Dedicated Hosts or Dedicated Instances, then you are using hardware that is fully dedicated to your use. A Dedicated Host is a physical EC2 server fully dedicated to you. Amazon EC2 Dedicated Hosts allow you to use your eligible software licenses from vendors, including Microsoft, on Amazon EC2, so that you get the flexibility and cost effectiveness of using your own licenses, but with the resiliency, simplicity and elasticity of AWS.
With Dedicated Hosts, you have an option to control instance placement and gain visibility into the number of sockets and cores installed on a host. Dedicated Hosts are often used when customers bring license that do not have Software Assurance or License Mobility benefits.
Please visit the Dedicated Host detail page for more information. Once setup, AWS takes care of these administrative tasks on your behalf, so that you can seamlessly launch virtual machines instances on Dedicated Hosts just like you would launch an EC2 instance with AWS provided licenses.
AWS License Manager helps track licenses used with Dedicated Host, and helps you stay compliant with your specified licensing rules such as 90 day affinity.
Dedicated instances are Amazon EC2 instances that run on hardware that is dedicated to a single customer. For more information on Dedicated Instances, please visit the Dedicated Instance page. Both offerings provide instances that are dedicated to your use. However, Dedicated Hosts provide additional control over your instances and visibility into Host level resources and tooling that allows you to manage software that consumes licenses on a per-core or per-socket basis, such as Windows Server and SQL Server.
In addition, AWS Config will keep a record of how your instances use these Dedicated Host resources which will allow you to create your own license usage reports. In order to take full advantage of EC2 it is recommended that customers first consider bringing eligible licenses through License Mobility.
Default tenancy EC2 allows customers to scale capacity up and down according to changing needs. This allows customers to pay only for what they use. Dedicated Hosts are most cost effective when the host is highly utilized and in a steady, non-variable state. A Dedicated Host will support the BYOL scenarios outlined in this FAQ and provide customers with more control and visibility over how their instances are placed, which is useful for minimizing risk and licensing costs in a BYOL scenario.
Windows is the most common product brought to Dedicated Hosts. What are my options for bringing development licenses to AWS? AWS customers have options for bringing Microsoft developer products to AWS for use on test, development, and non-production workloads. EC2 Bare Metal offers default tenant and dedicated host options.
The licenses must be deployed on EC2 Dedicated Hosts. You have the option to launch instances onto a specific Dedicated Host, or you can let Amazon EC2 place the instances automatically based on your licensing preferences in AWS License Manager. Controlling instance placement allows you to deploy applications to address licensing, corporate compliance, and regulatory requirements.
You can run different instance sizes within the same instance family on a Dedicated Host using AWS Nitro instance family. This allows you to maximize utilization of your Dedicated Host fleet as well as your software licenses.
How do I import and use my own Windows Server license? Visit this link for more information on how to bring your own machine images into AWS.
Keep in mind that when you choose to bring in your existing Windows Server licenses, you cannot utilize Windows Server AMIs that you purchase from AWS through license-included instances. You must bring in your own licenses using your own software media. These changes are paired with Host level data, such as the Host ID and the number of sockets and physical cores installed on a Dedicated Host.
AWS Config will also keep track of instance tags. We recommend that you tag your instances with a meaningful identifier if you would like a human-readable way to identify BYOL instances in the AWS Config output. Visit this page for more information on AWS Config. Visit the Dedicated Hosts detail page for information on the number of instances available per Dedicated Host. On this page you will also find the number of sockets and cores installed on each EC2 Dedicated Host.
The instance, socket, and core counts vary by the instance type configuration of the Dedicated Host. In , Microsoft updated the licensing terms for dedicated hosts cloud service.
For more details refer to the pricing section for software usage on Dedicated Hosts. Does License Mobility work with Windows Server? You should not use your own Windows Server license on EC2 instances with default tenancy unless you have approval from Microsoft to do so. If you have negotiated custom terms with Microsoft and have this permission, please contact AWS support or reach out to your account manager. AWS manages the licensing for you; all you need to do is pay for the instances you use.
Each instance comes with two remote connections for admin purposes only. If you require more than two connections, or need those connections for purposes other than admin, you may have to bring in additional Remote Desktop Services CALs for use on AWS. However, if you need to migrate from license-included to BYOL and have applications or OS configurations that need to be migrated, we suggest that you reach out to our partners, such as CloudEndure or AppZero, who may be able to assist with these types of migrations.
Microsoft requires that customers complete and send a License Mobility verification form which can be downloaded here. There are various factors to consider when licensing passive failover for SQL Server. In all cases, you must license Windows Server.
The partition size is user defined; by default all rows are in a single partition. A table is split into multiple partitions in order to spread a database over a computer cluster. Rows in each partition are stored in either B-tree or heap structure.
If the table has an associated, clustered index to allow fast retrieval of rows, the rows are stored in-order according to their index values, with a B-tree providing the index. The data is in the leaf node of the leaves, and other nodes storing the index values for the leaf data reachable from the respective nodes. If the index is non-clustered, the rows are not sorted according to the index keys. An indexed view has the same storage structure as an indexed table. A table without a clustered index is stored in an unordered heap structure.
However, the table may have non-clustered indices to allow fast retrieval of rows. In some situations the heap structure has performance advantages over the clustered structure. Both heaps and B-trees can span multiple allocation units.
Any 8 KB page can be buffered in-memory, and the set of all pages currently buffered is called the buffer cache. The amount of memory available to SQL Server decides how many pages will be cached in memory. The buffer cache is managed by the Buffer Manager. Either reading from or writing to any page copies it to the buffer cache. Subsequent reads or writes are redirected to the in-memory copy, rather than the on-disc version.
The page is updated on the disc by the Buffer Manager only if the in-memory cache has not been referenced for some time. Each page is written along with its checksum when it is written. When reading the page back, its checksum is computed again and matched with the stored version to ensure the page has not been damaged or tampered with in the meantime. SQL Server allows multiple clients to use the same database concurrently. As such, it needs to control concurrent access to shared data, to ensure data integrity—when multiple clients update the same data, or clients attempt to read data that is in the process of being changed by another client.
SQL Server provides two modes of concurrency control: pessimistic concurrency and optimistic concurrency. When pessimistic concurrency control is being used, SQL Server controls concurrent access by using locks. Locks can be either shared or exclusive.
Exclusive lock grants the user exclusive access to the data—no other user can access the data as long as the lock is held. Shared locks are used when some data is being read—multiple users can read from data locked with a shared lock, but not acquire an exclusive lock.
The latter would have to wait for all shared locks to be released. Locks can be applied on different levels of granularity—on entire tables, pages, or even on a per-row basis on tables. For indexes, it can either be on the entire index or on index leaves. The level of granularity to be used is defined on a per-database basis by the database administrator. While a fine-grained locking system allows more users to use the table or index simultaneously, it requires more resources, so it does not automatically yield higher performance.
SQL Server also includes two more lightweight mutual exclusion solutions—latches and spinlocks—which are less robust than locks but are less resource intensive.
SQL Server also monitors all worker threads that acquire locks to ensure that they do not end up in deadlocks —in case they do, SQL Server takes remedial measures, which in many cases are to kill one of the threads entangled in a deadlock and roll back the transaction it started. The Lock Manager maintains an in-memory table that manages the database objects and locks, if any, on them along with other metadata about the lock.
Access to any shared object is mediated by the lock manager, which either grants access to the resource or blocks it. SQL Server also provides the optimistic concurrency control mechanism, which is similar to the multiversion concurrency control used in other databases. The mechanism allows a new version of a row to be created whenever the row is updated, as opposed to overwriting the row, i.
Both the old as well as the new versions of the row are stored and maintained, though the old versions are moved out of the database into a system database identified as Tempdb. When a row is in the process of being updated, any other requests are not blocked unlike locking but are executed on the older version of the row. If the other request is an update statement, it will result in two different versions of the rows—both of them will be stored by the database, identified by their respective transaction IDs.
The main mode of retrieving data from a SQL Server database is querying for it. The query declaratively specifies what is to be retrieved. It is processed by the query processor, which figures out the sequence of steps that will be necessary to retrieve the requested data.
The sequence of actions necessary to execute a query is called a query plan. Sreeraj Vasukuttan September 8, Sreeraj Vasukuttan. About Us Careers Need Assistance?
We recommend exploring SQL Server or some more modern version of the platform. We retain the contents of this article for its historical value only.
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